在本文中,我们考虑图对对齐问题,这是恢复的问题,给定两个图形,节点之间的一对一映射,最大化边缘重叠。此问题可以被视为众所周知的图形同构问题的嘈杂版本,并出现在许多应用中,包括社交网络Deanymation和蜂窝生物学。我们这里的焦点是部分恢复,即,我们寻找一个一对一的映射,这对图形的节点的一小部分而不是在所有这些上都是正确的,并且我们假设两个输入图对问题是相关的ERD \ h {o} sr \'enyi参数$(n,q,s)$。我们的主要贡献是在$(n,q,s)$给出必要和充分的条件,在其中部分恢复是可能的,因为节点N $的节点数量的概率很高。特别是,我们表明,在某些额外的假设下,可以在$ NQS = \ \ \θ(1)$制度中实现部分恢复。
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Retrieval-augmented in-context learning has emerged as a powerful approach for addressing knowledge-intensive tasks using frozen language models (LM) and retrieval models (RM). Existing work has combined these in simple "retrieve-then-read" pipelines in which the RM retrieves passages that are inserted into the LM prompt. To begin to fully realize the potential of frozen LMs and RMs, we propose Demonstrate-Search-Predict (DSP), a framework that relies on passing natural language texts in sophisticated pipelines between an LM and an RM. DSP can express high-level programs that bootstrap pipeline-aware demonstrations, search for relevant passages, and generate grounded predictions, systematically breaking down problems into small transformations that the LM and RM can handle more reliably. We have written novel DSP programs for answering questions in open-domain, multi-hop, and conversational settings, establishing in early evaluations new state-of-the-art in-context learning results and delivering 37-200%, 8-40%, and 80-290% relative gains against vanilla LMs, a standard retrieve-then-read pipeline, and a contemporaneous self-ask pipeline, respectively.
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We present Hybrid Infused Reranking for Passages Retrieval (HYRR), a framework for training rerankers based on a hybrid of BM25 and neural retrieval models. Retrievers based on hybrid models have been shown to outperform both BM25 and neural models alone. Our approach exploits this improved performance when training a reranker, leading to a robust reranking model. The reranker, a cross-attention neural model, is shown to be robust to different first-stage retrieval systems, achieving better performance than rerankers simply trained upon the first-stage retrievers in the multi-stage systems. We present evaluations on a supervised passage retrieval task using MS MARCO and zero-shot retrieval tasks using BEIR. The empirical results show strong performance on both evaluations.
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This paper proposes a perception and path planning pipeline for autonomous racing in an unknown bounded course. The pipeline was initially created for the 2021 evGrandPrix autonomous division and was further improved for the 2022 event, both of which resulting in first place finishes. Using a simple LiDAR-based perception pipeline feeding into an occupancy grid based expansion algorithm, we determine a goal point to drive. This pipeline successfully achieved reliable and consistent laps in addition with occupancy grid algorithm to know the ways around a cone-defined track with an averaging speeds of 6.85 m/s over a distance 434.2 meters for a total lap time of 63.4 seconds.
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Linguists distinguish between novel and conventional metaphor, a distinction which the metaphor detection task in NLP does not take into account. Instead, metaphoricity is formulated as a property of a token in a sentence, regardless of metaphor type. In this paper, we investigate the limitations of treating conventional metaphors in this way, and advocate for an alternative which we name 'metaphorical polysemy detection' (MPD). In MPD, only conventional metaphoricity is treated, and it is formulated as a property of word senses in a lexicon. We develop the first MPD model, which learns to identify conventional metaphors in the English WordNet. To train it, we present a novel training procedure that combines metaphor detection with word sense disambiguation (WSD). For evaluation, we manually annotate metaphor in two subsets of WordNet. Our model significantly outperforms a strong baseline based on a state-of-the-art metaphor detection model, attaining an ROC-AUC score of .78 (compared to .65) on one of the sets. Additionally, when paired with a WSD model, our approach outperforms a state-of-the-art metaphor detection model at identifying conventional metaphors in text (.659 F1 compared to .626).
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A widely acknowledged shortcoming of WordNet is that it lacks a distinction between word meanings which are systematically related (polysemy), and those which are coincidental (homonymy). Several previous works have attempted to fill this gap, by inferring this information using computational methods. We revisit this task, and exploit recent advances in language modelling to synthesise homonymy annotation for Princeton WordNet. Previous approaches treat the problem using clustering methods; by contrast, our method works by linking WordNet to the Oxford English Dictionary, which contains the information we need. To perform this alignment, we pair definitions based on their proximity in an embedding space produced by a Transformer model. Despite the simplicity of this approach, our best model attains an F1 of .97 on an evaluation set that we annotate. The outcome of our work is a high-quality homonymy annotation layer for Princeton WordNet, which we release.
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We present a retrospective on the state of Embodied AI research. Our analysis focuses on 13 challenges presented at the Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR. These challenges are grouped into three themes: (1) visual navigation, (2) rearrangement, and (3) embodied vision-and-language. We discuss the dominant datasets within each theme, evaluation metrics for the challenges, and the performance of state-of-the-art models. We highlight commonalities between top approaches to the challenges and identify potential future directions for Embodied AI research.
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关于信息检索的许多最新研究集中在如何从一项任务(通常具有丰富的监督数据)转移到有限的其他各种任务,并隐含地假设可以从一个任务概括到所有其余的任务。但是,这忽略了这样一个事实,即有许多多样化和独特的检索任务,每个任务都针对不同的搜索意图,查询和搜索域。在本文中,我们建议使用几乎没有散热的检索,每个任务都有一个简短的描述和一些示例。为了扩大一些示例的功能,我们提出了针对检索器(即将到来)的及时基本查询生成,该查询将大型语言模型(LLM)作为几个弹片查询生成器,并根据生成的数据创建特定于任务的检索器。通过LLM的概括能力提供动力,即要来源使得可以仅基于一些示例{没有自然问题或MS MARCO来训练%问题生成器或双重编码器,就可以仅基于一些示例{没有}来创建特定于任务的端到端检索。出乎意料的是,LLM提示不超过8个示例,允许双重编码器在MARCO(例如Colbert V2)上训练的大量工程模型平均在11个检索套件中超过1.2 NDCG。使用相同生成数据的进一步培训标准尺寸的重新级别可获得5.0点NDCG的改进。我们的研究确定,查询产生比以前观察到的更有效,尤其是在给出少量特定于任务知识的情况下。
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我们提出了目标定向答案集编程的新颖应用,该计划将模型飞机操作员对模型飞机(AMA)安全法规的合规性验证数字化。 《 AMA安全法》规定了AMA Flyers如何用于有限的娱乐目的,如何操作无人机(UAV)。飞机及其操作员在飞机运行之前和之后遵守各种规则,以确保安全飞行。在本文中,我们利用答案集编程来编码AMA安全代码并自动化合规性检查。要检查合规性,我们使用S(CASP),该S(CASP)是目标定向的ASP引擎。通过使用S(CASP),操作员可以轻松检查违规行为并获得理由树,以解释以人类可读的自然语言侵犯的原因。此外,我们实施了一种算法,以帮助操作员获得最小的条件集,以通过合规性检查。我们开发了一个接受各种条件的前端问卷接口,并使用后端S(CASP)发动机评估条件是否遵守法规。我们还利用了SWI-Prolog中实施的S(CASP),SWI-Promog将S(CASP)的推理能力公开为REST服务。据我们所知,这是ASP在AMA和航空电子合规性和认证空间中的第一个应用。
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我们介绍了一种考虑复杂的环境条件,在极地地区介绍了一种在极地地区长距离海上路线计划的方法。该方法允许构建优化的路线,描述了该过程的三个主要阶段:使用不均匀网格对环境条件进行离散建模,网格最佳路径的构建以及路径平滑。为了说明不同的车辆性能,我们构建了一系列数据驱动的功能,这些功能可以应用于环境网格,以确定给定容器和网格单元的速度限制和燃料要求,以图形和地理空间表示这些数量。在描述我们的结果时,我们展示了一个示例用途,用于Polar Research船RRS David Attenborough爵士(SDA)的路线规划,核算冰的性能特征,并验证韦德尔海地区的时空路线构建,南极洲。我们通过证明路线的变化取决于季节性海冰可变性,所使用的路线规划目标函数的差异以及其他环境条件(如电流)的存在来证明这种路线构建方法的多功能性。为了证明我们的方法的普遍性,我们在北极海洋和波罗的海中介绍了例子。本手稿中概述的技术是通用的,因此可以应用于具有不同特征的血管。我们的方法不仅可以拥有一个船只计划程序,而且我们概述了该工作流程如何适用于更广泛的社区,例如商业和乘客运输。
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